Thursday, December 5, 2013

It rained last night

In December. So, you know, now there's an 1/2 of an inch of ice on EVERYTHING. This trapping season is not off to a good start for me. I didn't even get out on the line until Thanksgiving Day. That's the 28th. Trapping season opened on November 1st. That's 28 days too late! Granted Montana Man was able to squeeze in his first visit to Alaska (Anchorage, not Unalakleet), I had a week long conference in Anchorage, and I visited Montana Man for a weekend so I can't complain a whole helluva lot because that's all really awesome stuff. But now that I'm home and can actually get out and trap nothing has been going in my favor.

My trapping partner and I tried to head out on Tuesday. We waited for the sun to come up and got all geared up and took off around 11:30 am. We didn't even get 1/8th of a mile out of town before Gregg was stuck in overflow past his knees. With rope, some strength and his stomping we hauled his rig out of the ice and slush and towed it back to the shop. It would start up only to sputter and die. So we called it quits for Tuesday. How disappointing.