Monday, March 15, 2010


is definitely not one of my strong suits. I'm definitely an immediate gratification kind of girl. Maybe that's why I'm so bad at this whole job hunting thing, among other things that I'm bad at. There's quite a few, trust me, I know. I've been regularly unemployed for 2 and a half months now and I'm really freaking over it. It is making me fairly agitated in all aspects of my life. I know my poor mother has had to deal with my sarcasm and my angst over it on more than one occasion. Being a nice patient person is something that I definitely need to work on, in addition to being civil to the person or people that I live with, especially when I am grumpy. I hate that I'm spoiled and am used to getting what I want, when I want. I know that it's not an amazingly attractive quality. And I'm fair sure it's rather obnoxious.

Mom and I have been into bonding mode the past few days. We played Trivial Pursuit twice. Once was just us two and the other time was with Miss Karis Koett, who was in from Koyuk on her way to Anchorage. I really miss having that girl here in the village. Tonight Mom and I watched the first Harry Potter and did a puzzle. It was only 500 pieces and tooks us an hour exactly. Needless to say I think we need to stick with 750 or more piece puzzles. She bought me a 2000 piece puzzle and I'm tickled pink over and can't wait to do. Now I just have to convince her to spend a day and do the puzzle with me. Or we could start out with one of the 1500 piece puzzles that I convinced her to get.

Slowly but surely me excercising and attempting to eat healthy has been having it's benefits. It's such an obnoxious thing. Food is just such a wonderful thing. It smells good, tastes good, has all kinds of wonderful textures. I'll never be a tiny skinny person, but I'd like to be healthier. I hope I don't lose my boobs, because I'm quite fond of them. I know a lot of women tend to lose and gain weight there first. So far they've been sticking around. I just hope it stays that way.

It's be below zero for too long as far as I'm concerned. I'm so not a fan of the cold. I hate tingly thighs and a numb face whenever I spend more than a minute outside. It's supposedly supposed to get to 20 above next week. I can't freaking wait. I might even take a walk outside. Ha.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I am trying to change some physical aspects of my life and I'm so not the biggest fan. I don't think I'll ever be someone who likes to exercise. Let me sit and play video games and I'll go for hours. I can sit and crochet or knit very happily for hours. I can read for hours. Hours fly by when I'm doing beadwork. Five minutes running and all I can think is I want to stop running. It kinda sucks and yet I'm sitting here laughing at myself because of it regardless. Puh.

Trying to get a job here in Unalakleet for a year or more is kinda hard. So far it's not going that amazingly well. Or rather it's going okay but it's kinda slower that I'd prefer. In the meantime I'm doing beadwork to make some spare change and working Bingo (although not very often). I might even be filling in for Lonnie at the hangar for a week and a half or so.

I thought I was in the mood to write and I guess I'm not really. Go figure.