Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Coffee, coffee, coffee

I don't know if grad school is getting a little better or if I'm just getting used to the grueling pace of studying all the time. I also feel like stuff is slowly clicking back into place and I'm understanding more but as soon as I understand something we've moved onto something new so I don't really feel like I'm making any progress although I have to be making some kind of progress or I wouldn't be keeping up, right? I'm still not sure I'm entirely capable of doing this but I'm doing my best.

I wish I could spend all day and night on math and love it and crave it. But I need time for other stuff. I have to socially interact with people and not talk about math. I have to do my craft work and cook actual meals not just eat crap from restaurants and insta-meals. I wish I had time to read something other than a text book. I wish I had time to take weekend trips. I'm suddenly realized how great I had it as an undergrad and am so freaking glad that I took advantage of it.

My mom has been my biggest support so far in this insane venture of mine. I can call her at any time and vent and cry or just tell her about my day or hear about hers. It's amazing to know that she doesn't care if I succeed or fail as long as I gave it my best and tried. We were going to try and to quit calling each other everyday and now that just seems silly. I want to talk to her everyday and miss her everyday so why not? :) Best friends should talk everyday.

Aune Mieke comes to visit this Friday and is staying till the following Saturday. I'm so excited to see her and get a big old hug from her. A real hug with lots and lots of love in it. I'm having a party to welcome her here/a house warming party. I'm excited because it's my first party in my still relatively new house! Then on Saturday I think Alex is having a birthday party, a dinner type party. And Sunday I think we're going with Adam through a corn maze and having dinner with him and possibly winning pumpkins! A fabulous weekend I think! Monday will be back to school and work and Aune heads to Colorado Springs Tues through Thurs and then back to me for Friday and Saturday. No plans for that weekend yet but I'm sure quality time will be on the books and maybe some exploring of Boulder. I'm sooo excited to have company.