Friday, September 26, 2014

Freddy's Beach Bar

In my travels, I run across some amazing places. And I end up traveling back to the same areas, in the same cities. And lets be real, some places just draw you back. :) One such place is Freddy's Beach Bar in Crystal City. There are EPA offices just a short jaunt away, along with about five Marriott's in a two block radius (seriously? seriously.) and we always stay in the area for our NTOC meetings. I was initially drawn to the place because of it's color and vibrancy. When I found out it was a gay bar with drag queen bingo on Wednesday nights? It had me forever.

Sorry for the bad quality of the picture.
Everyone that I've met there has been there to have a good time and were welcoming of this Alaskan stranger. It was so packed one night that there were no seats at the bar or any open tables. So I jaunted up to a table that seated four with only three people at it and they totally let me sit down and order a beer and a burger and play some drag queen bingo. The hostesses swung by my table the second time I was there and welcomed me and asked where I was from and thanked me for coming. It's truly a great place and a great time. Bonus: It has glorious drinks with mermaids and flashing light cubes.

That's right folks, I treasured each and every sip.