Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lay your heavy head to rest.

Consumerism is upon us. Or wait I mean Christmas. Ha. :) Which mean that there will be an increase in trash. When I think about how our society is destroying the planet on which we live and that sending out 26 bags of cans to be recycled compared to the bales and bales of garbage that we put in the landfill it just doesn't seem like it will make a difference. It's overwhelming. And saddening. I guess I need to keep repeating to myself the one day at a time mantra.

I've had my iPod on shuffle all week going through just a teensy bit of my music and Day of the Baphomets by The Mars Volta came on and I fell in love with it. So genius. I've listened to it about 10 times today. Right off the bat it the bass line just pulls me in. And then everything gets going and just entrances me. So marvelously complex. And then the lead singers voice just jumps down into my gut and makes me feel good. My office mate is probably going to come in and smack me on the back of the head if I listen to it again. The last time I found a song that I could listen to over and over again was Reincarnation Waltz, by my friend Patrick Murphy. So good. Music is just so good.

It's sleeting/raining out and yucky. I'm supposed to be getting on a plane and going into Anchorage tomorrow. :( If it doesn't happen I probably won't be going into Anchorage till next weekend. And Amanda is going to be there and I really want to be there. I really hope it clears up by tomorrow afternoon or I'm gonna be one super sad panda.

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