Thursday, January 15, 2009

from Montana - about Durango

Genevieve, Aune Mieke and me

Aune Mieke, me and Matty
My first day in Durango was delightfully mellow filled with Chinese food and Bones. I drove into town and tried to stay awake and it seriously did not happen. Gretchen and Matt came home and found me asleep on their couch. :) I believe my Mom even called me and woke me up kinda and I mighta snapped at the poor lady. I'm really not someone that wakes up cheery at any time, morning or night. Wednesday was all about lazing and running some errands. I went to lunch with G and Matt and then went to Walmart where they had on sale transformers, a ipod connector radio thing for my car, new wipers for my car, and some new toothpaste. All amazing stuff I tell ya. Then I spent a few hours in my storage unit digging around for vitally important stuff... some socks, my printer, my button maker, my cooler, my sleeping back, some more hoodies, and of course my coffee mug for my car and my travels. I was most excited for my button maker. Then on my way up to Gretchen and Matt's out in D-West I almost crashed my lovely loving car. I was driving at like 50 or 55 around what was apparently (although not to me) and icy corner and started fish-tailing. I think I flipped and flopped about 4 or 5 times before I got control of my vehicle back. Kinda really maybe sorta definitely freaked me the hell out. I was extra super cautious (probably annoyingly so to other drivers) for like the whole week afterwards. Not a pleasant experience but I'm thinking it's make me a more cautious aware drive than even though the roads look fine they might not be. Eep

Pat and me at the Ranch, where else would I find him?
Davis - my favorite bartender
The ranch is just awesome folks. I dig it.

So Thursday night I went out with Isaac and Nadia and we hung out at the Ranch, Steamworks, and of course the 8th Ave Tavern. Brian, Ryan, Gin, Chad, Joe, Steve, all my homies were there. I totally rocked singing Journey - Don't Stop Believin'. I mean who doesn't rock when singing karaoke, but I believe I was particularly amazing. :) Friday was spent finding some great deals at JC Penney for me and my favorite little man Kollin Duke. I found the most hideous pukey yellow sweater that's absolutely comfortable for me and some bitchin' transformer T's for Kollin. Speaking of... I need to get a box mailed that direction. Bride Wars came next with lovely buttery popcorn and ice water. Then Gretchen, Matt and I had dinner and watched I am Legend and Bones. Great stuff I say! G even stayed up till 10:15. It was a rager! Saturday was lunch with my professors, whom I absolutely love and adore, at Carver's. It was nice catching up a little with them and just small talk visiting with them. :) They're really just awesome for taking the time to see me. Then I hung out with Sarah, after a bit had dinner at No Way Jose's, and ended my evening at the Ranch on Saturday night running into all kinds of fabulous people. That's what the pictures are above. Lol... Just about the only pictures I took when I was in Durango, unless you count funny pictures of Gretchen and Matt's cats.

Sunday was spent sleeping in and watching Bones up at the house. I packed up and kind of reorganized and got some early sleep in. Monday was spent running errands all around Durango and getting myself and my car ready for the drive to Montana. I ate lunch and then drove to Cortez to hang out with TK for the night. We watched Pineapple Express, which was fucking hilarious, went and got some dinner and sodas, then watched The Dark Knight. Flipping awesome as well. Went to sleep fairly early because the sun was up at 7:38 and down just after 5:30 so I wanted to optimize my daylight drive time. The drive was perfect as far as a long drive goes. The weather was sunny the whole way, the roads were dry, I never hit any major traffic while driving through cities and I had an amazing sunsetting, fog moving in, purple sky, pink snow in the mountains situation just as I was driving over my last mountain pass. Uh-mazing. I got here to Missoula at a little before 9 pm. One of my best times and I rocked between the speed limit and five over. It was effing great to see Hanna and get a big old hug from her then Luke. We had a few beers at her place and then went to the Rhino for a few drinks and met some hilarious really wasted people and then put a movie in and curled up and passed out. Quality stuff I tell ya. And now I'll leave you on the note that I'm sitting in Blockbuster's parking lot and I have to pee.

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