Friday, November 22, 2013

MVP Gold

So I'm trying to earn my damn MVP Gold. And the weather is not freaking cooperating. Yesterday the flight was cancelled because of the wind out here in Unalakleet or the freezing rain in Anchorage. Today the flights are on weather hold because of more freaking freezing rain. What did I do to piss the universe off?

All I need is 6,480 miles. And then I get a free drink on every flight. And I'm rid of those pesky flight change fees. Gah! I'm beyond frustrated. Not to mention I was supposed to be hanging out with Montana man today. 3 hours ago. I'm not a very pleased panda at the moment.

Here's a pretty picture so this post isn't entirely me ranting


  1. Replies
    1. It was a gorgeous sunset. :) I was driving and had to stop and just gawk for a bit. Then I remembered I had my phone.
