Sunday, January 10, 2010


I've decided I'm on the road to being a hoarder. If one person who moves at least once every year can fill a 2 bedroom house with stuff, then that individual has too much crap! I have been doing my best to get rid of stuff but it's kinda hard when you're a craft person who loves books, movies, and music. Craft supplies are just bulky in general and I am into more than one. This results in tubs of yarn, tubs of material, and boxes of beads. I have a whole shelf of crap. I don't want to give up any of those hobbies though.

I will not give into the digital age when it comes to books either. I love being able to hold a book and dog ear pages. I love the weight of a book in your hand or on your chest as you're falling asleep. The idea of a kindle or other digital book thingy just makes me sad. So it's hard getting rid of books, although I have managed to pass on a few and have given some to used book stores. Which is a tease really because being in a used book store stuffed full of potential and not being able to get anything new is just torture. I'm tempted to pick ten more books and give them up just so I can get some new ones. I think I just talked myself into it.

To downsize my DVD's, or at least the bulkyness of them I've moved them into booklets. So I still have them, they're just more compact. Sadly to say you can't really do that with VHS tapes. And I refuse to give up most of my VHS tapes but I've convinced myself to part with some. I suppose I don't really need Puff the Magic Dragon or Frosty the Snowman. I suppose.

Sweet nectar of life. Coffee I love you. It just has to be said.

Regardless of me thinking of all of this, I'm not moving very fast in the packing direction. 21 days. The 3 week countdown begins. Oh crap. I need to look into a ticket back north too.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya on the Kindle thing. I'm resisting that as much as I'm resisting a cell phone in Unalakleet. If they made a Kindle with a "book smell" then I might think about it. But I'd have to rethink that one too.
