Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ketchikan Day 2: First day of training

I got a good nights sleep and woke up at 7 bells. I made a cup of the worst coffee that I've drank in a long while and then went in search of some actual coffee. Which was not to be found. It was a tragedy. The coffee place in the lobby was closed. There wasn't a coffee place open on the way to the building. I was about to start crying when I came across coffee in the building where the training was being held. Saved.

Daaaang, sleepy eyes.
The training instructor is amazing. Everyone has spoke up and participated. (To me this is the sign of a great instructor.) He's interesting and speaks clearly and well, is prepared, and is passionate about what he's teaching us. It's truly a wonderful thing to behold. I'm getting a lot out of it. I'm just hoping that I get to let my General Manager position go and put the knowledge into action. This is where I want to make a difference. Well, not indoor air quality specifically but the environmental scene.

Slightly more open
This. This was strange. I'm not going to elaborate too much on why. I don't think I can. I'd like to though. I just wouldn't know where to start. Or where to go. Definitely no clue where to end. Maybe there is no ending.


My ride to work. I think it's creepy. All trams are creepy.


  1. So creepy. At least it's not one of the swinging ones. Those are even worse.
