Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Life lately... in pictures

Finally, some successful grouse hunting. My man thinks it's sexy. :)

Canning the grouse above into soup or pot pie ready munchies. Just add seasoning and heat up!

A work colleague came into town and I showed him around. And then released him into the wild with my shotgun.

Some last minute berry picking before the winter comes and takes over.

No words.

My poor sad socks that have gone the way of the hole in the heel. Tragic.


  1. I'm losing all of my socks lately. Probably because I bought them a minimum of five years ago, but still. It's sad. My pandas were the last to go :(

    1. I tend to get very attached to the pretty socks, which makes them wear out all the faster. You can even see my toes in these! Hahaha.. Classy.
      Ouch! Pandas especially. I hope they're resting in peace. :)
