Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sunshine and summer

Damn, look at my freckles
 My freckles are all over my freakin' face right now.  This is a direct result of my running and walking outside.  And I'm tickled pink that I'm trying to get healthier, but I didn't really think that my freckles would take over my whole face.  I wish I knew where my freckles and my curly hair came from.  The curly hair I can work with but every summer I have to come to terms with the fact my face gets spots.  SPOTS.  Speckled.  They can be cute.  I've been told their cute, but I like my skin.  I like it in the winter anyways.

This year for my birthday, my friends were a little bit lame.  Or uncoordinated.  Something.  Dragonheart pulled through with flying colors and made my evening, maybe not my livers but certainly mine...  She also invited a friend of hers, who I've met on occasion before, who also had an April birthday.  Now, when I've met this fella before, I'd been in my typical running around like a crazy woman trying to get shit done in Anchorage outfit: jeans and a tshirt or a hoody.  Because it was my birthday I was dolled up a bit.  I had my new sequin-y dress on and my new bootie type heels, my hair was fixed and I was wearing make up.  He said, and I do my best to quote accurately, "You should dress up more often."  How flattering and sweet and absolutely wonderful to hear.  This does relate to my skin, truly.  We begin our night with food, drink and talk.  After a bar hop we were discussing the fact that I was wearing make up.  I said, "All I'm wearing is mascara and eyeliner."  The guy was turning away and finished what he was saying, did a double take and looked back at me and said, "Wow, you have amazing skin."  An incredible compliment.  Any compliment makes me feel good but a specific compliment about something I feel good about is even better.  Especially when it's spontaneous like that.

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