Monday, February 18, 2013

Back to the trapping life (for a day)

Thank you Mr. Washington and Mr. Lincoln for having birthdays in February. Thank you NVU for celebrating President's Day as a holiday. My three day weekend was much appreciated. And very much needed. I was able to actually spend time and catch up with friends that I hadn't truly been able to visit with in months. Instead of cleaning and doing horrible things like that I worked on a belated Christmas present. Even better, I got some trapping in. The whole Unalakleet line needed to be reset, rebaited and dug out so that was Sunday's goal.

But before Sunday is Saturday night! Ever since my trapping partner moved to his cabin we have less visiting time. So I made dinner (rabbit stew, yum!) and then we went up to the cabin and watched trapping videos, drank whiskey and beer, and ate peanuts. Pretty much epic Saturday evening. Here's a few snapshots of the evening.

Penny, our mascot
Peanuts love me.
She was a creepin'.
Sunday morning came around and I looked outside to a temperature of -30. I pulled my sleeping back back over my head and went back to sleep. Ain't no way I'm jumping out of bed to get an early start on the trap line in that. After breakfast and coffee and then a few beers, the temperature had finally warmed up to around -20. So we bundled up and headed on our merry way. I completely slacked on taking pictures of the cat we snared so you'll just have to imagine it.

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