Thursday, March 28, 2013

52 Lists: List the things that feel like home

Why did I stay up till two in the morning. Again. For the third time in 3 days. Two nights ago I blame my homework. Yesterday I blame my stupidity. I was on a roll with it.

See? Evidence.

I didn't need any stitches by my damn thumb would not stop bleeding. I didn't really have adequate bandages either so after an hour of bleeding all over myself I paid a quick visit to the clinic. The sadistic nurse cleaned out my cut. Twice. Holy crap did that HURT. It made me shudder to think about it. I swear she sprayed saltwater into my cut. But at least I know it's clean, and with the water situation being what it is, I'm okay with that.

As if that wasn't traumatic enough. My neighbor, my glorious, amazing neighbor, put in a fresh water tank to pump water into his boiler so we could have a limited amount of hot water. I put a baggie over my thumb and duct taped the crap out of it and then turned on the shower. THERE WAS HOT WATER. I jumped in and then soon learned that it fluctuated from freezing cold, and I do mean freezing (the water being pumped from the river is right around freezing which is why everyone's systems keep freezing) to being scalding hot. I have one of those little shower cubicle things. So about every minute I was slamming into the wall trying to get out of the water stream during the extremes. I must have looked and sounded ridiculous. But folks, I was able to shower. And that is a glorious, glorious thing.

That is home to me right now. Unalakleet is still struggling with the water situation. Thankfully so many organizations and individuals have pooled their efforts and we haven't lost the system. I think it's still at considerable risk though. Moore's list this week was things that feel like home. While this isn't the norm for Unalakleet, it's still a part of the... charm? challenge? of living here.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Beaded Box

These pictures remind me that I have another one of these boxes started somewhere in the piles of unfinished crafts that I have all over. I'm pretty sure I sold this to someone at a craft fair. These are some of my favorite colors. The pattern for this little box can be found in here.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

52 Lists: List your essentials

I wrote this list on Tuesday. A lot has happened since then. I've traveled to and from Nome, presented at a conference, started planning a trip to Montana, and Unalakleet has declared a state of emergency regarding water, well in this case, the lack thereof.

Something happened to the pumps or the line from Powers Creek. This wasn't noticed until the tank had 6 feet in it. Unalakleet is supposed to start conserving at 10 feet. Whoops. Then I think people thought it would be fixed and taken care of pretty fast. Conservation really didn't happen and before long the tank was drained. Nothing in it.

The temperature dropped. No water was going into the system so on Saturday morning a meeting was called and everyone pitched in and Unalakleet got a pump into the river and brackish water into the lines. Unalakleet learned a little from the last time the line broke, everyone turned off the intake in their water heaters and water is being pumped directly into the system, not into the tank. I have never been so happy to flush a toilet.

We're still hauling drinking water. But things are looking up. Not everyone's water pipes froze, and they're going around and thawing the frozen lines. No ground lines froze. Phewf. THAT was the huge worry. Needless to say an essential that I was overlooking and should have written on this list: water. Running water preferably.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Rambing about trapping and work

Trapping season is almost over for me. For most critters the end of the season is April 15th. You can still trap beaver (and muskrats) up through June, but I have so much travel coming up that I'm going to pretty much miss the end of the season. Which blows but at the same time I think the travel is much needed.

Mink I caught and skinned while Gregg was gone.
I need some space and time away from work. I stepped into the General Manager position to help out the organization that I work for. My intent on stepping into the position was that it was going to be a temporary deal. However, I feel as though I was bullied into considering applying for the position. And I did seriously consider it. In the end I know that it's not me. It hurts me emotionally and mentally to deal with people that much. Mentally, I was prepared to fight fires and handle neglected paperwork. I was not prepared to manage people. After being in this position for 3 months, I realize that I am not meant for it.

Lynx and a mink
Back to trapping. From March 2nd through March 15th my trapping partner was traveling. Previous to this two weeks I had run the line by myself on occasion. He'd been running lines solo for years before he started teaching me. When we're both here in Unalakleet, we both go, we both love to trap. This season I knew I would have to step back from being on the line because of work (I stepped up to skinning after work). Last season I was able to finish my work in 6 hours. I worked through lunch, and took off to trap in the afternoon. Not so this year. I committed to an 8 to 5 day. Miserable.

Meet Penny, the neediest dog on the planet.
So when he was traveling, I was working a full time job and running the line by myself after work. I also volunteered to take care of his really need little dog and another friend's dog, who incidentally enough lived about 2 miles out of town. Now 2 miles isn't far but when you've gone 30 miles on a trap line on a rough trail, 2 extra miles to let a dog out is a long ways. Whine, whine, I know my life is so tough.

On the way back from Egavik. Mom always worries about me most when I head north.
That all being said, those two weeks on the line all by lonesome made me so proud of myself. Last year I remember saying, "I don't think I'll ever be able to run a line by myself." Now I know with certainty that I can run a line by myself. Sure I made mistakes, some really stupid ones like sticking my left hand in a set 330 conibear, but I did it. Not many young men in my village can say that, let alone any other young woman.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fur bears

These are the little bears that I sew with fur scraps and little critters. I believe they're traditionally made with seal skin. My mom has a seal skin bear, but I thought that other fur would be interesting to try. I'm made them with mink, beaver, rabbit, and nutria. I'm going to try them with lynx, ermine, marten, and otter. The mink by far is my favorite.



Rabbit and Beaver
Each bear ends up having it's own personality because that's just the nature of the fur. Every bear that I've made out of beaver looks so different from each other. I love seeing them take shape and using up scraps that can't be used for any big projects.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The alphabet

I was stalking and came across this. So here's my alphabet.

A – ADVOCATE FOR: Recycling
B – BEST FEATURE: My left pinky
C – COULD DO WITHOUT: The price of gas
D – DREAMS & DESIRES: To find my passion
E – ESSENTIAL ITEMS: Gun, wide open space
F – FAVORITE PAST TIME: Trapping then skin sewing
G – GOOD AT: Craft work
H – HAVE NEVER TRIED: Bungee jumping
I – IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS: I'd buy my mom a better house
J – JUNKIE FOR: Pink camo and underarmour
L – LITTLE KNOWN FACT: I'm not as tough as I look
M – MEMORABLE MOMENT: Catching my first critter. Solo.
N – NEVER AGAIN WILL I: Struggle with this letter in the alphabet
Q – QUOTE: “You're so f*@#!% hot and I want to do naughty things to you." - Morgan DB-L
R – REASON TO SMILE: It's Friday
S – SORRY ABOUT: Wanting attention
W – WORST HABIT: I have several. Lets go with gluttony
X – X MARKS MY IDEAL VACATION SPOT: Right now? Jamaica, because that's where I'm going.
Y – YUMMIEST DESSERT: Bullets dessert

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

52 Lists: List the ways you can cleanse for spring

Spring cleaning. I typed that and all I felt was overwhelmed. I think I need to take my own advice and learn how to say no. I truly do hate disappointing the people that I care about though. And that's who I usually end up saying yes to. And wow did I get side tracked really fast.

With this list, I tried to write stuff down that I could accomplish within a reasonable amount of time. And it's all stuff that will make me feel good or better than my mental state has been of late. I love the feeling of accomplishment. Moorea made little circles next to the items on her list so she could x them out. I'm more of a check mark gal so I made little boxes. :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Iditarod 2013

Aaron Burmeister is my brother's boss. So I'm super cheering for him. I was really bummed this morning when he dropped back to 5th place. But I'm still cheering for him!

I saw these bad boys parked on the river when I checked traps on Friday.
Aaron - second musher into Unalakleet
First time in years that I've gone down to the check point. Forgot how fun it was.
Definitely a Unalakleet favorite.
Feeding his dogs. Man, I need some of those little bags for mink and marten. Too cute!
Monster Mash sitting up on top of the snow bank. He got to see four mushers come in!
Mom and Joe Runyan.He let me and my brother ride his horse when we were little.
Carla, Aaron's biggest fan. Next to Renee Paniptchuk that is.
Ready to take off. Next stop Shaktoolik.
Good luck Aaron!
Taking off just as the wind picked up.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Beadwork: Exhibit 1

Someone recently brought to my attention that they'd like to see my bead work. I figured this was a good place to display some of it. So here goes.

I made this as a wedding gift for my best friend and her husband. It was totally directed towards her though, the gal loves dragons. The pattern can be found here. My sweet mother is addicted to bead work as well and she spends a lot of time finding amazing patterns. She bought this pattern originally to make for me, I think, but I swiped it when Amanda told me she was engaged.

It's wonderful to have a mom that's addicted to craft work and beading. I know I appreciate it but I don't think I appreciate it enough. She always has beads, thread, fur, yarn, and practically anything that I need for a project without me having to order and wait for it.

Yup, that big silver monstrosity in the background is my car.

Friday, March 8, 2013

This was tasty

I found some reindeer sausage in my freezer. I also had a lot of veggies that needed to get cooked. So I attempted to make something delicious. It worked!

I fried the reindeer sausage up in a pan all by it's lonesome. While it was sizzling and popping I started steaming veggies. Veggies always seem better when you steam them separate from each other. That way I'm able to get the perfect do on 'em each time.

First was the broccoli. I may or may not have nibble on a few little trees while I was slicing and dicing the mushrooms. I added some sunflower seeds for good measure.

After the mushies, I steamed up some cauliflower and tossed in sun dried tomatoes. I didn't have any fresh tomatoes. They're usually pretty bruised up by the time they get to the vill and don't last very long. I wanted some noodles or rice or something to toss everything with so I ended up boiling some Orzo. I added that to my bowl along with some salmon berry vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and some other stuff I can't remember.

Yep I ate that whole plate. And there was enough for lunch the next day and some veggies for dinner the next night. Sometimes cooking for one really works out nicely.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

52 Lists: List the places you want to go

Something must be off with my brain. Normally I could fill this list with places that I want to go, side to side and top to bottom. These days I just want to survive each day at work and go home. Just wanting to make it through the day doesn't leave a lot of room in the brain for day dreaming.

I will soon be able to check Jamaica off my list! I'm going to an all inclusive resort in/near Montego Bay for my dirty thirty. Two of my very sweet, wonderful, awesome, I can't believe they're following me on this adventure friends are coming with. A whole 8 days and 7 nights away from my computer, my cell phone and (the best part) work!

I have some work trips coming up. A trip to Nome, two trips to New Mexico, and a trip to Spokane. Huzzah for travel that I don't have to pay for out of the village. Sure I'll be terrified because I'll be up in front of people for two of the trips but it's totally worth it.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

52 Lists: List your favorite albums

Trying to play catch up. I'm not sure I'm succeeding. I don't feel like I'm succeeding at much lately. Especially work wise. The wheels are spinning in the mud and I ain't getting anywhere. I did succeed at writing this list though. And it was fun to write. My heart filled up with memories of times when I was playing these albums.

Last summer I was singing Lady Antebellum while I drove around holding hands with someone tied to my heart strings in an old black cheyenne pick up. The sun was out and my friend was cheesin'.

The first time I drove from Colorado to Montana I was singing Carole King. I was in a car all by myself driving through the Utah desert screaming at the top of my lungs. Yes. I scream Carole King.

I remember listening to the 10 things I hate about you soundtrack and wishing Clint was in love with me. I day dreamed that he would pull the Heath Ledger embarrassing scene with me.

Looking for a place to rent in Boulder screams Lady Gaga to me. I'd spent two weeks living in my car in Durango, packing up my life, only to end up cruising the streets of Boulder looking for the perfect house. I ended up finding the house of my dreams.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sunday Trapping Report

I went to Egavik on Sunday. My trapping partner decided to defect and head into Anchorage for the week so I was rolling solo. I got past Powers Creek and everything was going just fine when the sled ripped off the hitch from my snow machine. I guess it was kind of rusty and old and definitely hadn't been used in a good long while. You can see I used the useless green rope in the sled (suddenly not so useless) to tie the sled to my rig. I made it to Egavik, looking back over my shoulder every three seconds or so. Made for a long ride.
Oh yeah, I'm that good at fixing stuff.
The wind was blowing West so the ice started heading out to sea. Also because of the stupid wind the hills on the way to Egavik were bumpy as heck. The wind was blowing around 30-35 mph, it was about 20 without the wind so around 0 with the wind chill. But it was warm enough that the snow was packing in nice and tight into it's drifts. What a jarring experience.

Bye bye ice. Take a look at that lead.
There was no sign of anything moving around at Egavik. Not even the wolverine that we've missed three times. I got up to the last set and couldn't see the trap but didn't see anything big either. I walked over and a mink had tried to pull the bunny bait out of the trap. He sprung it on himself and the bunny. I reset everything and went back down past Egavik and started heading back through the hills when I realized I didn't remove the hooks from resetting the trap... I cursed about a million times in my head. I didn't want to miss the wolverine because of my dumb ass so YES I DROVE BACK. I unhooked the latches and headed home. Bumpy ride.
At least I didn't get skunked. I got minked.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Short lynx video

We caught this guy today up Rabbit Creek. I was super excited to see him especially because we got skunked on Thursday on the Egavik line.