Monday, December 24, 2012

Family time part one

For Christmas this year we all went up to Gram Janice's and pigged out.  We've done it once before and it's definitely my favorite thing to do on Christmas Eve.  Janice and Bob and their family have really adopted us into their family and I'm so thankful that they've done so.  There were five energetic boys running around, two little boys getting snuggled by everyone that could get a hold of them, and one precocious girl running to and fro with cupcakes in her hands.

It was hard to catch the boys at a still moment.  Here's Raine and Andrew chugging some juice.

Frank trying to get Andrew to sit still for just a moment.

I have no idea how Heather could look so relaxed with all the chaos surrounding her. I guess with 3 boys she's used to it. :)

I had to practically hold this guy down to get a picture with him.  Loves my nephew.
Pa made some juice, well I guess it's called punch during the holiday season and the kids went after it like I go after champagne!  They were trucking back and forth from the living room to the kitchen about every other minute.  I think Pa had to fill up the punch jug at least twice and even then the jug ran dry.  Running around and playing hide and go seek must be exhausting and dehydrating work.

Brady looks so mischievous!

How to get Andrew to sit still.  Hehehe
Emily was just the sweetest and cutest.  She ran around all over with cupcakes and cookies and chocolate covered hands.  Gram Janice and Pa had just gotten a new chair for the their living room so they were running around after her with a wet washcloth.  As soon as they cleaned her up and her little finger print marks she was back in the kitchen going after another cupcake.  It was hilarious!  And then of course she came to crawl on my lap and I ended up with chocolatey finger prints all over my almost clean jeans.  I guess that's karma for laughing and Gram Janice and Pa.

Every little girl needs a pretty purple dress and a light saber.

Squiggles being his little squiggly self.  Lookit that smile!  Makes me melt.

Pa watching the chaos with a smile on his face.
This here is my lovely mother, who has been putting up with me for 29 years.  I think I'm most annoying around Christmas because I'm constantly asking if I can open a present.  It never fails, she always caves in.  Persistent annoyance always wins out.  She also puts up with me and my insane need to puzzle around Christmas time.  I think this year we did two 1000 piece puzzles and four 500 piece puzzles.  I still haven't gotten her to do a 2000 piece puzzle.  Someday I shall wear her down.

My mother dearest smirking at me.

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