Friday, November 9, 2012

Beaver Mitts (Part Five)

The next two pieces to sew together are the piece you just finished and the only other piece left!  Funny how that works, hm?   You sew them similarly to how you did the thumb on the first piece.  Start at each side and steadily work your way up both sides.  This takes a considerable amount of time.  I believe that goldfish and champagne are necessities to this process.

Clearly champagne and goldfish are key.
Work your way up both sides to the top near where the middle finger sits in the glove.  This pattern involves very minimal gathering.  IF gathering does occur the gathering should be done with the beaver hide.  If there is excess leather you get the joy of ripping and trimming down the leather.  Fun stuff, hm?  You betcha!

The end is in sight.  Oh yeah.  Then you get to repeat the whole process.

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