Thursday, November 1, 2012

The glories of food

All pictures (and gif) are from my good old time wasting website.  The internet is such a time suck.  I don't even want to know how many hours I've spent online, let alone on facebook.  I don't have the internet at home and I think I'm going to keep it that way.  I also don't have cable or satellite at home.  I have a tv and dvd player and I think that's sufficient.  I tend to get sucked into the internet and really bad television.  This is a preventative move on my part so I at least attempt to spend more time crafting, reading, and running.  I haven't run in over two weeks and it makes me sad.  Traveling and winter always derail me from running.  I'm not quite sure how to fix that.

This.  This is just.  Wow.

I don't even like hot dogs and this makes me want to eat hot dogs.

Best avocado ever.  And lets be honest.  Avocados are amazing.

I really would like to take the time to make these.  I really would.  Maybe my 30th birthday would warrant the time it would take.

Freaking adorable.  I want these in a tank swimming around looking awesome.


  1. I'm gonna be honest, the banana thing scares me.

    1. I can't stop watching it. I have no idea why but I love it.
